
2011.04.29 De-clutter, simplify and organize . . . the after . . .

. . . of the display shelves above the games and crafts cabinets.

Isn't all that empty space appealing?

I saved three empty frames, have at least a dozen to give away,
condensed some things in the library to make room for
the photo albums and scrapbooks.

I did a quick de-clutter and organize on the cabinets below.
One section was emptied (more for giving away)
and now the backpack and diaper bag have a convenient, but hidden home.

Also did a quick de-clutter of the hang bar in the entry closet
so that the "coat chair" is gone.
 Just a week or so ago, Vince said "Do you actually NEED all those jackets?"
(Yeah, they were mostly mine.)
But, they are leaving now
so the kids' coats have hanger space and pegs available.
Again, convenient to use, but put out of sight.

There are several other areas
which have become "hot spots" on my de-cluttering radar.
Their turns will come.

A side-by-side comparison . . .

Did you notice the tables?
Theresa asked if we could switch the square one from the library
with the oval one originally here.
Theresa:  Change is good.
I agree.