
2012.02.24 Homemade coffee creamer and more . . .

So, I'm doing a little blog-hopping this morning
before I do the taxes for our two S Corps.
I definitely need some playtime first.

I'm reading the most recent post at Lazy J Bar C Farm
when I notice this link to Homemade Coffee Creamer in the sidebar.
Most everyone in my family likes flavored coffee creamers.
This post led me to this site:  Deliciously Organic.

We've been moving towards organic after reading
The Omnivore's Dilemma by Michael Pollan.
(Thanks to Amy of Amy's Happy Critters for choosing this book for book group.)

Anyway...check out the Deliciously Organic site

And, keeping in the mood for the day, here are some photos of organic eggs.
I couldn't resist the shadows created with the plastic carton and the morning light.
Of course, it's much too hard for me to just have a SOOC photo,
so the photos have been processed with Topaz's Adjust5.
The plastic carton is made from corn and is #1 recyclable!

Topaz Adjust5 Adjust4Spicify /  Shadowhouse Creations  NF1 texture )

Topaz Adjust5 Stylized GrungeMeDesaturated )

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