
2012.02.04 New website address . . .

. . . but you don't have to change anything . . . still works
and directs automatically to the new website address
which is . . .

In January of 2011,
I stopped using my initial blog arrange whatever pieces come your way
and switched to this blog.

"Arrange whatever pieces come your way" is a Virginia Woolf quote.
It also works as a six word memoir.

I may be using this Virginia Woolf quote for the title on this blog.
New year = new way of seeing.

I may also include all the posts (453) from that first blog in this one.
Blogger is supposed to combine blogs seamlessly.
Although the Comments will be lost :(

Again, you don't have to change anything to get here.

Thanks for reading though this explanation.
For you . . . 
 Kim Klassen Providence linearburn / Pixel DustGauze Sheer overlay / PSE vignette

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