
Food for thought from "That Voice Behind You"
by Charles G. Coleman:

... the purpose of divine guidance is not to help you do what you want, but what God wants ... what God wants is also best for you.

Each daily experience becomes a part of God's plan to fit [Christians] for their mission here on earth, and their role in the life to come.

... God is working in your life through His guidance to form you into the likeness of Jesus Christ. The more you allow Him to work in you, the quicker and more complete will be the molding process, and the more satisfying your companionship with Him.

Since God wants to fill you with His Spirit, you can trust Him to fill you if your commit your life to Him and seek the spiritual fulfillment He has for you. Total commitment is the important prerequisite.

Renew your mind each day by prayer and study of God's work.

Life's hardest battles are those you will face within yourself as you determine to learn, on a daily basis, how to let His Spirit rule in your life.

What God wants to develop in you is a daily, harmonious collaboration in which every bit of your human capability to think, plan, and decide is used in a spirit of faith and dependence on Him.

Prayer is more important to your life ... than we may realize ... consistent prayer will keep the channel of communication between you and God clear for the flow of His guidance into your life.

I believe we should put more emphasis on being a witness than on doing witnessing ... what you are will be more important to your non-Christian friends than what you say.

If you are yielded to God, the Holy Spirit can bring you into direct contact with those for whom your personal witness can be most effective.