
2013.08.30 Five random facts about me

Linking up with A Rural Journal for Random Five Friday (five facts about me) ...

I LOVE coffee.

I love having polished nails.

I should NEVER attempt to polish my nails in the morning after two mugs of coffee.

My husband, Vince, and I went camping last weekend for the first time this year.
Seems like something always came up to keep us home.
Glad it finally happened; we had a great time.
We especially loved our best-ever iced cappuccinos (made with coffee ice cubes, too). 
Link here:  The Smelly Gourmet in Metamora, Indiana.

While on our camping trip, Vince found a great used bookstore in Rising Sun, Indiana.
You can check it out on FaceBook by searching for "Paradox City Books and Games"
(use the full name when searching).
There is a photo of Vince and me on their FB page with the books
we bought last Friday (August 23).